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Finding Jaw Pain Relief With Physical Therapy

Pain and discomfort in the jaw, facial area, and neck can greatly impact one's ability to go about day-to-day activities due to the distraction the discomfort causes. If you are experiencing any of this pain and discomfort, instead of letting it negatively rule your life, take control of it with precise, personalized physical therapy. Temporomandibular dysfunction, or TMD, includes disorders relating to or caused by the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), muscles, or nerves of the facial and neck re...
Posted on 2023-05-16

Top Three Exercises to Improve Balance & Reduce Risk For Falls

Top Three Exercises to Improve Balance & Reduce Risk For Falls
Top Three Exercises to Improve Balance & Reduce Risk For Falls By Biagio Mazza Today I'm going to talk about my top three favorite exercises for fall prevention and for balance training that we utilize at Elite Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy in Kansas City, MO. These are definitely going to be dependent upon the person, so please be safe! Safety is the number one thing with everything we do. But you still have to challenge your balance for it to get better.Exercise 2: Closed...
Posted on 2020-06-26

Prevent Shoulder Pain With THIS Exercise

Prevent Shoulder Pain With THIS Exercise
Number 1 Exercise To Prevent Shoulder Problems By Biagio Mazza Today we are going to talk about the number one thing you can do to prevent shoulder problems. It's gonna seem weird and maybe unsure to a lot of you as you hear this, but it's actually to take your arms, grab on top of something and hang. Now, the challenge with that is that if you have shoulder problems already, that's not going to work really well typically. Usually that makes the shoulder problems worse. But if you're no...
Posted on 2019-02-27

Is Your Shoulder Pain Truly From A Shoulder Injury?

Is Your Shoulder Pain Truly From A Shoulder Injury?
Is Your Shoulder Pain Truly From A Shoulder Injury? By Biagio Mazza Today we're going to talk about referred pain and how you know if you have referred pain. The shoulder is a really interesting structure in the body. As nerves come out of the neck, they kind of cluster into the shoulder before they spread out into the rest of the arm. And it's just to get all the nerves down that provide sensation, provide muscle strength and power to arm musculature itself.But the problem is, is if I hav...
Posted on 2019-02-20

Top Three Causes of Shoulder Pain

Top Three Causes of Shoulder Pain
Top Three Causes of Shoulder Pain By Biagio Mazza Today we're going to talk about the top three causes for shoulder pain. There's a lot of power in knowing what is actually causing the problem.1. The first cause is shoulder impingement. That is kind of a catch all term for as the shoulder moves around it moves around way more than the stability can sometimes match with. So as you're moving up in the air if the structures of the shoulders get pinched that's referred to as impingement. He...
Posted on 2019-02-07
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